Time to get GROOVY again with PR and Branding

The PR-Brandifesto Academy provides blended learning (online video and live zoom classes) on anything that you need to take your brand and public image to the next level. Daily tips to the community, resources and free tutorials support our core training and help you get the most out of your learning.
Write your awesome label here.

Live & Video classes

10 Live classes & 120 videos

Bonus material

2 Bonus classes, free templates &  real PR campaigns

Group Coaching & Real World Activities

4 Group coaching sessions
31 Real world activities 


1 Certificate

Get certified in our Groovy Public Relations and Branding Masterclass

Our company offers online training which helps people understand, learn and apply their knowledge on creating a powerful brand image and promoting it with an effective PR strategy.

Our Masterclass gives comprehensive training on branding and PR,
yet it includes all the following as well. 

Our Groove begins on May 11, 2021!

Our groovy content

€204 off if you sign up for the Masterclass today.

Early bird ends April 25, midnight. Use the promo code on the right when you register, to get advantage of this offer before it ends!

What is unique about this Masterclass

#1 "Just Roll With It" features

Our Academy has introduced a unique learning feature to our course that we call “Just Roll With It In Your Learning”.

#2 Experts from the field teach you

Learn first-hand how the real world of branding and PR works. Our experts share their knowledge and advice.

#3 Group Coaching Sessions

Teaching and learning become a fascinating experience when combined with actual coaching from one of the best.

#4 Practice activities with real professionals

Assessment is always a core feature of all our courses. Here you are given priceless feedback from our collaborating professionals.
And we know how to make your learning a fun experience.


What do

the Harvard Medical School

the United Nations Development Programme & UNV

the Dutch Embassy

the FBI

and the United Nations System Staff College

have to do with PR and Branding?

Read on to find out more! And check out our amazing early bird!
€ 204
What do

the Harvard Medical School

the United Nations Development Programme & UNV

the Dutch Embassy

the FBI

and the United Nations System Staff College

have to do with PR and Branding?

Read on to find out more! And check out our amazing early bird!





€ 204


What our clients and collaborators have to say about us

Jan Versteeg

Former Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Greece and the co-founder of Orange Grove

In the fall of 2013 Pamela Caravas walked in Orange Grove, and offered her help. Since then, she spent countless hours with OG’s young entrepreneurs, first dragging them out of their comfort zone and then boosting their skills and self confidence. Her contribution to Orange Grove is invaluable.

Victor M. Guizar

Program Officer, Regional Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Geneva
“An enlightening and fresh perspective to reflect on personal development and leadership”
I had the pleasure to meet Pamela in the UN Emerging Leaders Experience which took place in Turin, Italy, from March 12-15, 2019.
As a coach, Pamela has a unique ability to look and analyze the human behavior from a unique perspective.
Her brilliant style sets her apart from conventional models of coaching. Pamela provides valuable insights, guidance and practical tools to develop leadership potentials in both personal and professional contexts.
Thank you, Pamela!

Anthi Psomiadou

Author, Blogger, Life Coach
The coach training with Pamela was filled with exchanges of views, interesting items of information, meeting other people that share similar views and concerns and who seek ways to help themselves and others to deal with the troubles posed by every-day life. I solemnly and explicitly declare my excitement and my belief that this course has been worth the time (2.5 years) and energy I spent to attend it!

Neil Cerbone Associates

Strategic Management Consulting Firm, Greater New York Area

Pamela Caravas has been a Senior Coach in support of our clients in Greece and Northern Africa since 2009. She is a valued member of our team and we hope you will enjoy the experience and professionalism that Pamela provides in all her endeavors.


What our clients and collaborators have to say about us

Jan Versteeg

Former Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Greece and the co-founder of Orange Grove
In the fall of 2013 Pamela Caravas walked in Orange Grove, and offered her help. Since then, she spent countless hours with OG’s young entrepreneurs, first dragging them out of their comfort zone and then boosting their skills and self confidence. Her contribution to Orange Grove is invaluable.

Victor M. Guizar

PROGRAM Officer, Regional Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Geneva
“An enlightening and fresh perspective to reflect on personal development and leadership” I had the pleasure to meet Pamela in the UN Emerging Leaders Experience which took place in Turin, Italy, from March 12-15, 2019. As a coach, Pamela has a unique ability to look and analyze the human behavior from a unique perspective. Her brilliant style sets her apart from conventional models of coaching. Pamela provides valuable insights, guidance and practical tools to develop leadership potentials in both personal and professional contexts.
Thank you, Pamela!

Anthi Psomiadou

Author, Blogger, Life Coach
The coach training with Pamela was filled with exchanges of views, interesting items of information, meeting other people that share similar views and concerns and who seek ways to help themselves and others to deal with the troubles posed by every-day life. I solemnly and explicitly declare my excitement and my belief that this course has been worth the time (2.5 years) and energy I spent to attend it!

Neil Cerbone Associates

Strategic Management Consulting Firm, Greater New York Area
Pamela Caravas has been a Senior Coach in support of our clients in Greece and Northern Africa since 2009. She is a valued member of our team and we hope you will enjoy the experience and professionalism that Pamela provides in all her endeavors.

Vivi Tsouknida

Former Country Division Lead H IM/CP at Siemens A.E. Healthcare
We met through our corporate contract and from the first sessions we had, I realized that in certain cases I was able to see people and conditions around me, but only behind a blurred glass.

You were there, the one who helped me clear the glass, understand and accept how others see myself, no matter what I know about myself and skills. Understanding others is a basic step towards better communication, but understanding ourselves comes as a prerequisite to that.

This is the right time to express not only my warmest thanks, but also the fact that I really admire you. Don’t wonder why…

You are one among the few people I met so far, who has the talent to build a feeling of trust out of nothing, in a relationship that did not exist the day before. Trust is a magic feeling which makes things easier, more effective processes, more optimal results to our efforts. Imagine the word without trust: no family bonds, no real friendships, no strong relationships, no corporate morality, no ethnic sense.

Pamela you have the ability to build feelings of trust, and this acts as a canvas on which the coachee starts to paint with the colors he has in his palette: emotional intelligence, sensitivity, perception ability, life experiences, feelings of love and understanding for others, etc.

Today I honestly feel richer because I had the luck to work with you on my personal development. Thank you,
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Meet our fantastic instructors

We are proud and honoured to have some of the best in their field to teach you on this course.  
Our Team
Meet our fantastic instructors
We are proud to have some of the best in their field to teach you on this course. 
the team

Meet our wonderful experts

what is amazing about this masterclass is the wealth of knowledge you will get from our experts. 

Our Groovy Masterclass

mastercalss series

Branding and Public Relations in Practice

Write your awesome label here.

Branding and Marketing in Action

29 practical lessons and coaching to make sense of your brand and make it unique
Write your awesome label here.

Public Relations Are Very Much Alive

31 practical lessons to create your own PR strategy and put it in action
Meet the creator and core instructor

Pamela Caravas

Coaching and business is in Pamela's DNA. She started her first business at the age of 22 with the gift of the natural-born teacher. Her story includes success, failure, success, failure, success. All for different reasons and with different strategies. Her path as a coach includes
  • a collaboration with the Dutch Embassy initiative known as the Orange Grove where she coached start-ups and entrepreneurs,
  • a presentation at the Harvard Medical School on detecting lies,
  • a collaboration with the United Nations System Staff college in 2019 on negotiation skills,
  • work with the United Nations Development Program and UNV via eCoachPro on career coaching and personal branding,
  • and research with former FBI agents on adapting profiling and interviewing techniques for coaching purposes.

Want to find out more? Visit her page and her social media. 
Write your awesome label here.

Student Support Centre

What is the PR-Brandifesto Masterclass?

It is a three-month blended learning course. It focuses on all things branding and public relations. It looks at both from the perspective of your own skills, talents, mindset and behaviour. No business can be successful unless you have a solid personal foundation that fits your business. Pretty much like you need a solid personal foundation when you decide to become a parent. The Masterclass promises ROI provided you do all the tasks, be engaged in the live classes and actively attend the group coaching sessions – in short, you do everything necessary to get your Certificate. To ensure you get your ROI, we have added topics like digital marketing, growth hacking, podcasting, Instagram magic, professional ZOOM meetings and the right equipment, among others.

You will participate in weekly 2-hour live classes over the course of the three months and study the online material we have prepared for you in the form of short videos, interviews and e-books. We have bonus material, too, to support the successful completion of the course and the application of your new knowledge and skill immediately.

Can I register if I do not have a business or an idea yet?

Of course, you can. The Masterclass is focused on helping SMEs with an existing business and brand identity develop their PR strategy and online presence with and updated branding package and voice.

It is also focused on helping freelancers of any kind develop their own distinct online presence – we believe that one person IS a business.

The course aims to help influencers create their toolkit to promote their marketing value in a most professional way.

And for those who are just out of university, or have left a job, or looking for something new to devote their life to, we help them understand the personality and turn it into branding values, which slowly leads to coming up with ideas for the future.

Last, but not least, the course is beneficial for PR and marketing professionals who wish to learn all that is new in their field and freshen up their current skills.

I want to do my own PR. Do I learn how?

Yes! We have based our Masterclass on a specific model that is now used widely around the world. The course is about the development of PR and marketing pros as well so the contents of the Masterclass talks about creating your own media list, communicating with journalists with an effective media pitch, how to send out press releases as part of your own PR strategy. We even have templates and a full guide on how to prepare your PR Christmas campaign, so we actually help you understand how to do your own PR. And, to help even further, we talk about how to create a PR strategy even if you do not have a budget.

What type of certificate do I receive?

We are very proud to state that all our instructors are either certified in their field or extremely successful in their business about which they are sharing their secrets with us. The same goes for our experts and professionals who assess your work. This gives us the opportunity to issue a Certificate at the end of the course by our parent company Coaching Evolution Int’l Ltd (company number 10197917) stating that you have successfully completed, following assessment, the 60-hour blended learning PR-Brandifesto Masterclass. The Certificate will also be accompanied by a transcript with the total of subjects you have attended and been assessed in.

Do I have lifetime access?

We do not offer lifetime access as times and trends change. But we do offer a five-year access to the entire material and any updates we make with the following cohorts. You may also attend as many times as you like in the next five years at no extra cost. If things change to a lifetime access, you will be duly notified.

Why do you have assessment on the Masterclass?

We want to make sure that you get the maximum ROI. Assessment is the only way that has been pedagogically proven to help students and course participants become committed and accountable for their learning. This programme does not offer refunds unless you successfully complete the tasks and assessments up to the moment you request your refund. We want to ensure that dedicated individuals are holders of our Certificates, who will also honour the investment they have made and the effort they have put in.

Can I do only part of the course?

No. The Masterclass comprises of stand-alone modules, but no credits or discounts are given for partial attendance. Therefore, you either attend the entire Masterclass or no part at all.

Do you have only recorded material or do you also offer live classes?

The Masterclass is a blended learning course which means we have pre-recorded material while at the same time we have virtual live classes. The live classes are also recorded then uploaded as part of your learning material on the learning platform with the rest of the content.

Do I need to attend all the live classes to get the certificate?

Ideally, yes. We need to ensure you have understood all the theory and how it is applied in practice. And we want you to engage with your instructors as much as possible to get the most out of the course to make sure you get the ROI we promise. If, by any chance you happen to miss a live class, you will have to watch the recording and answer the accompanying comprehension questions. Once this is done, the path to the Certificate is there for you to follow.

What do I get out of this course?

This is a level II course meaning it is not about the basics. The most important thing you will get out of the course is a different perspective on how you make your business succeed. The course is coaching based, meaning that it is not a quick fix or a guide for success. It forces you to take a look at yourself and your responsibility when it comes to business evolution and profit. We focus on having specific individuals sign up as participants who realise the value of personal identity, humility, ethical ambition and kindness as the foundation of success. If you are willing to discover and develop these throughout the course, then the promise is a ROI that you expected when you signed up with a Certificate to prove you can apply all that you have learnt and was coached in.

How do I use the templates?

Attention is required here. Templates are a fantastic tool, yet so misused that ethical course providers avoid offering them. Unless you follow the precise instructions to NOT copy the exact template, it will be a flop. Templates are there to encourage your own creativity. Not to save time by copying them. You need to modify and adapt them with a specific goal in mind.

How do I use the PR campaign you offer for free?

One of the bonuses you receive when you purchase the course is your very own step by step tutorial of how to set up your Christmas PR campaign. We give you insights on what is needed, the pitch, the timeline, the graphics and the follow-up you will need to do.

What is the "Just Roll With It" feature?

Our Academy has introduced a unique learning feature to our course that we call “Just Roll With It In Your Learning”. This feature is used for three learning items: the course content and is identified as “Just Roll With It On The Course”, your networking and business expansion identified as “Just Roll With It In Business”, and your templates identified as “Just Roll With It And Choose Your Templates”. In essence, you get to choose the type of content you want to learn during live classes, the type of activities you wish to do as part of your networking and business development, and you also get to vote on the type of templates you feel you need.

Voting takes place on the community board in the form of a poll. Prior to the classes you will be notified to vote and the results are public for everyone to see.

Do you teach us how to create a business plan?

No, we do not. We have made it a point to focus only on branding and public relation and coaching. Our creator’s experience in coaching business people and startups has taught her that it is not the business plan that will lead to investments or success. It is the personality and the confidence that you know what you are doing and that you can promote it so successfully even without a budget. That is what they want – a business plan rarely show how you can scale your business. Your personality does.

Do you have flexible payment options?

Yes! And it is a truly amazing plan of 4 instalments for €160 each. The one off payment gives you an amazing €100 off the regular price bringing it down to €540. Make sure you register during the early bird period as we offer 32% off the regular price for a one off payment. That is €204 off which means you get the course for €436. And our payment plan is also valid for 4 instalments for €135 each.

Who do I contact if I need help?

You can contact the entire team at course(at)pr-brandifesto.com. Make sure to include the name of the instructor in your title. During the three months that the course will be running, all your instructors are also available for a chat on the community page of our platform. Just send them a message using @instructorname and they will get back to you the soonest.

For tech support send an email or a message through the platform using the words “tech support” in your subject.

What is the community on your platform?

Our online learning platform is not just a learning platform. It is a place for connection and exchange of views. So, it has its own community board that works pretty much like Facebook. You get to follow your classmates and instructors, like their posts and comment on them. We encourage engagement on the platform as we do not have a private Facebook group. All our posts and discussion, our free content and polls take place on the community board.

How do I use the platform?

Despite its amazing capabilities, our online learning platform is user friendly and rather easy to navigate through. We have prepared a short video to guide through all the features. And we also have a description of the navigation in pdf form.

How do I attend the ZOOM classes?

Our live classes are facilitated by the ZOOM platform. Before the class, you will receive a notification and a reminder about the time and content of the class. All you need to do is click on the link. We have prepared a quick guide on how ZOOM works to help you feel safe and view the class in the best format possible.

Do you have a Facebook group?

Yes, we do. The good news is that this group is open to everyone so you all have access to our free resources.  This is where we hold our live sessions and Q&As which we also post on the open source section of our learning platform. However, for more specific and VIP material, we use the platform community that is reserved only for our registered students.

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