All your learning in one place

We promise to give you all the tools necessary to make it happen in the business, start-up, freelance or influencer world.
Learn the ropes, master the field, become a certified professional.

Our Groove begins on May 11, 2021!

Here is what you get with our Masterclass

A unique way of learning. You get to choose your assessment through the "Just Roll With It" feature.

A certificate that proves you can now do the job and apply it.

The best learning platform with all your work in one place and the ability to interact with a community of like minded people.

In your own time

All programme lessons are self-guided to allow you to take your time in your development. the only exception is the live classes which are recorded and uploaded on the platform for you to watch over and over! 

Business or no business, this is for you

If you have a business, this masterclass will help you audit your branding & PR processes. If you do not have a business, we will help you create one.

Flexible learning

The course content drops every week. you have hours of pre-recorded videos, e-books, assignments and assessment to help you complete the course.

Live classes, coaching & bonus classes

Even though you can complete the masterclass at your own pace, we give you that extra little knowledge with our amazing instructors and our coach. 


Our Masterclass is so comprehensive and gives you so much knowledge that you deserve the certificate once you complete the whole course within a year of registration.

The BrandiverseAI Masterclass

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Learn how to advance your business brand and PR strategy among lots of other tips.
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